In search of the names on this photo:

Notes to this picture:

Summary of statements around this photo

  1. This photograph is from the Chicago's 44th Annual Schobermesse Program of 1947. It is included in an advertisement for:'PETE'S RENDEZVOUS' 2251 Devon Avenue. Peter Kirchens, Prop.  - Budweiser on Draft - Fine Liquors - Cigars - Table for Ladies.

  2. NB: Pierre Kirchens - B: 8/28/1890 Grosbous, Lu. - Arrived at Ellis Island, NY on 10 Oct. 1905 - D:6/1963 in USA, Chicago, IL
    Pierre was 20 years old in 1910 and 5 years in the USA. He could be on this photo. Does anybody know? MGoelf

  3. Fern - Thanks again for all you did for us. - I will look into this further.  Peter Kirchens is my uncle ( Pierre Kirchen Aug 28, 1890 ) this was his tavern on Devon Ave. , I talked about.  He may be the four from the left in the bottom row of the photo. You may remember that I metioned that Skokie, Illinois was mostly founded by Luxembourgers and the last club of Luxembourger's my  father belonged to was on Lincoln Ave in Skokie before it was disbanded. - Fraternally, Joe Kirchens 2008-03-31
    Question: could he not be number 5. Here in Grosbous, when you went on Kiermes day into a pub, the pub owner was kind of forced to offer you a cigar. At least that was what I had todo in our pub.

  4. What is the difference between "Devon Ave" & "6012 Ridge Avenue"? Was this at a crossing? FernP

  5. Fausto has not yet identified people in this photo.

  6. His records show that people with the listed last names from Grosbous settled in the Chicago (Cook County) area: Beck, Evert, Hosch, Kirchens, Majerus, Neuens, Pletschette, Sinner, Weimerskirch, Wolff. He doesn't know if any of them are in the picture. One could suppose that Kirchens is in the picture since he used the picture to advertise his establishment.

  7. Musician Adolph J. Weimerskirch
    Adolph Weimerskirch entered the Array on September 19, 1917. He was attached to the 333rd Machine Gun Battalion at Camp Grant for 3 months. Then he was transferred to the 1st Army Headquarters at Camp Green as a bugler, where he also remained 3 months. In February, 1918, he was sent to France on the boat Antigone. In France he was a musician in the 6th Cavalry Band and was stationed at the following Army Headquarters: St. Nazaires, Tours-Selles, Gievres, Vendome. During his service in France he received a furlough to visit his folks and relations in Grosbous, Luxemburg. In June 1919 he returned to the U. S. A. on the steamer Kronland and was discharged from Camp Grant on the 10th of July, 1919. - Fausto 2008-04-04
    D' Biography ass online am LBA Schobermesse Buch vun 1919, Seit 55 :
    This is a 26 MB & ou need a fast Internet connection to open it, and my experience is that sometimes it will not open! FernP

  8. On this photo we can read: Grosbouser / Kirmess / 1910 / 6012 Ridge Ave. Chicago

  9. In 1910 the following business was located at 6012 Ridge Ave. Chicago. G. SINNES Grocery and Delicatessen. Cigars and Tobacco. 6012-16 Ridge Ave., Corner Peterson. Tel. Edgewater 3372

  10. (Is SINNES a familiar name in Grosbous?) NB.: Sinner is a name well known. I'm not sure about Sinnes!

  11. Fern, I found this on ellisisland.  Obviously Grossbons is Grossbous.  It looks like Guillaume, Marie, and Joseph went back home for a visit in 1912.  He had an uncle Theodor in Grosbous. - On the same sheet I also see an Alice Kirchens age 17 who had a mother Mary in Grosbous.  She was going to see her uncle Mich. Muno on Clark St. in Chicago. -- Jim

  12. Fern, Fausto is right.  Guillaume Sinnes.  He was a ship builder and his wife Mary had a grocery.  And his son Joseph and brother Anton.  He came in 1906 and his brother in 1909.  I looked all over this morning and couldn't find it, but I was checking the 25th Ward.  I didn't look at the 26th Ward. -- Jim

  13. Fausto Gardini (vun Uewerkuer in Luxembourg), now living in Florida is searching to prepare an article around this photo.
    Fausto is a Board Member, Luxembourg American Cultural Society, Inc. .

    Note from Fausto dated 2008-04-06: Maybe this will solve the mystery why I contacted you:
    I had been trying to compile the best possible list of passengers aboard the Silvanus Jenkins and I compared your version to the versions on and the version found on So, knowing of your interest in anything concerning Grosbous, I sent that picture to you. Consider it a thank you! for the work you did on the passenger list. It is just a coincidence that at the same time you were hosting an American family for your Kirmess! Le hasard fait bien les choses (parfois!) 

  14. Name: Joseph Sinnes / Ethnicity: U. S. Born / Last Place of Residence: Grossbons, Luxembourg / Date of Arrival: May 29, 1912 / Age at Arrival: 5y / Gender: M - Marital Status: S / Ship of Travel: Zeeland / Port of Departure: Antwerp / Manifest Line Number: 0008

  15. Schueberfouer, Schuebermess, Kirmess, Kiermes, Kiirmes Definition.

We have following questions:

  1. Do you know other families that migrated from Grosbous to Chicago Cook County, Illinois?

  2. Do you think you might know people on this photo by resemblance?
    For example I was asked:
    "Do you think number 10 is a Pletschette as he looks similar to Nic Pletschette when he had that age?"

  3. All Help will be appreciated!

  4. We would like a photo or a picture of the ship: Silvanus Jenkins. If you would know from where we could get it we ould appreciate!

Fernand Pletschette
15, rue d'Arlon
L-9155 Grosbous Tel: 888 039 or 621 272 577
Skype telephone ID: fernplet

NB: the most common spelling for our village is "Grosbous", however in Luxembourgish these days we spell it as "Groussbus".